Delightful Howth

We left Poolbeg yesterday afternoon and made the short motor round to Howth - a delightful marina just north of Dublin Bay. We had another gourmet supper, spaghetti carbonara (thanks Roger) followed by tiramisu. Today was quite busy - there is an amazing amount of housekeeping to be done: refuelling, filling up with water, shopping, laundry and of course the all important passage planning. By mid afternoon all was achieved and we went for a really beautiful walk along the cliff path. We have been so fortunate with the weather, ok, the wind is always in the wrong the direction but apart from that it couldn’t be better. Tonight we are having fish and chips then settling for an early night, ready for a 5.00 am departure tomorrow for Carlingford Marina. This will be our last stop in Ireland before we enter Northern Ireland after that. We have loved the warmth and hospitality of all those we have met. Photos of Alan separating eggs for the carbonara...