And we’re off!

 At 12.12 p.m. we finally made it - setting off from the fuel pontoon at the marina.  There were a few incidents, Roger dripping diesel on Alan’s beautiful new Dubarry boots, and Roger emptying some excess engine coolant and getting oil on his new sailing jacket. There is a common denominator here. We hope they both manage to clean up their respective equipment. 

Roy and Vivienne and Andrew, a friend of Rachel and Alan’s came to wave us off. We had a good sail over to Cowes and are now berthed at Shepards Wharf marina.  I am confirmed in my view that sailing is much more tiring than it looks - keeping a lookout, trimming sails, watching we don’t go aground, balancing a pasty in one hand and holding on the boat with the other.  

It feels great to be with all the other RBC60 boats. They look splendid - fully dressed with flags - we shall have to up our game (once we’ve had a beer!). 

Distance 7.23 nm

Max wind 20 knots


  1. Seems like Roger, the common denominator, should spend more time being the captain and assign tasks of labor to the crew. (Roger please be advised that this is the last time I intend to bail you out.) Bon voyage and be safe.


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