Goodbye Stevenage - Hello Hamble

 In strict terms we haven’t actually begun to sail yet but we have said goodbye to our home and friends and family for a few months.  It felt quite strange locking up the house, turning off the water and saying farewell to neighbours and I couldn’t resist fitting in one last Zwift! 

We had a lovely lunch with Issie, Steve, Georgina and Daniel and then Issie and Steve brought us down to Hamble. We’ve managed to stow away a pile of provisions - Indian Runner is proving to be a bit of a tardis.  All marinas seems to have trolleys to get the mountains of kit and food to the boat. Just as well. We managed to fill two of these. And that’s just our stuff.

Tomorrow Bev and John are bringing down Rachel and Alan and on Friday at 11.00 am we will have the ‘Grand Depart’ for Cowes, our first Party Port. This will be a very gentle introduction to our voyage.  But on Sunday we will have what for me will be a baptism of fire - a continuous sail of about 48 hours, some of it course being at night. Everyone else seems to feel very sanguine about this.  We will be keeping an eye on the wind and hoping it won’t be too strong for us to set out. It is already looking clear that it will be in the wrong direction 😟.


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