Last minute hiccups! Thank goodness for friends and neighbours!

 Roger woke in the middle of the night realising he had forgotten to pack his head torch (bought specially for this trip by the Greens!) and our Euros.  I was feeling smug.  I phoned Bev asking her if she could go to the house, collect the headtorch and Euros and bring them to the boat today. Yes she said - how will I get in.  With the key I said. Then remembered that I hadn’t given it to her.  Feeling less smug now. Bev went to our neighbours Di and Alan, who have a key.  They were just getting up but were very obliging, doubtless with a ‘those Hardmans’ thought.  All looked good.  Then Roger and I were about to set off for a run.  I noticed my big toe was nearly through the old running shoes I had brought with me.  They were not going to last four months.  I phoned Bev. I’ve got everything she said triumphantly.  Oh I said - have you already been round then? Is there something else, asked my long suffering friend.  Well yes, could you fetch my new running shoes?  Bev and neighbours deserve a medal. Not a trace of smugness left. 

We had a great run and on the way back the churchwardens were putting up bunting outside the beautiful Norman church in Hamble.  I was able to go in and light a candle, asking Our Lady and St Nicholas to pray for us and to ask God for protection for our journey and for family and friends we are leaving behind. 

The photos are from my morning run - which was the chapel of the Royal Victoria Military Hospital, which in its day housed large numbers of wounded troops in the First World War. It has now been demolished but the chapel remains - now a swimming pool! The picture of a fence is hiding a small deer that was within 3 feet of me. 


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