No plan survives the weather forecast

 Last night we were all set to leave Neyland on Monday morning. However this morning (Sunday) it was clear that we either had to go this morning or wait until Tuesday.  The calculations are tricky.  The wind is important (direction, strength) but so are the tides and tidal streams. On this trip it seems as if we have had wind on the nose practically the whole way and today, so far, is no different.  Our aim for this leg of the trip is to get to Kilmore Quay in Southern Ireland by tomorrow afternoon.  At the moment (14.00) we are making painfully slow progress. Wind against us and being swept south by the tide.  All is due to change in a few hours time.  Fingers crossed.  The plus side is that at the moment it is a glorious sunny day with a flat sea, so at least we are warm and not feeling seasick! 

The plan after Kilmore Quay, is that on Wednesday we travel to Arklow and then Thursday, Dublin, our next party port.  Perfectly timed for Roger’s 75th birthday on Friday! 


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