Falmouth Bound

 Isabel joined us last night and we had a very good time at the Piermaster’s House - the music group, The Rubber Band, were brilliant.  

Issie, Roger, Rachel and Alan set sail this morning from Plymouth.  I was on car shifting duty, but this wasn’t too much of a hardship as I had a lovely breakfast with Roger’s brother and sister in law, Steve and Daphne at their hotel then visited the Mayflower Memorial Museum.  I arrived in Falmouth at about 2.30 pm and really enjoyed going down into the town centre.  It’s now 18.30 and it looks as if Indian Runner is approaching the Marina so I’d better get a move on and get down to welcome them in.  

P.s. There is no bath 

Photos of Indian Runner leaving Plymouth this morning. 

Plymouth to Falmouth         42 nms


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