Jubilee Party Weekend

 What a great celebration it was. The East Coast Gaffers and sailing club at Suffolk yacht Harbour were just outstanding.  Despite terrible weather all the organisation and hard work (two years in the planning) paid off and we all had the most brilliant time. The first event was the presentation of our plaques by the lovely Mayor of Ipswich, with fizz and nibbles.


Then a celebration dinner at St Clement’s Church, Ipswich.

It was so wonderful to have our family and friends share all this with us. The Greens brought our Heron dinghy, Lollipop, up with them to take part in the sailing and everyone, including Bev and John had made a very big effort to join us. 

On the Friday afternoon we had the most extraordinary Parade of Sail from Ipswich to our second base at Levington. Over a hundred boats took part, nearly all of them gaffers ranging from Letty, a 51ft Bristol Pilot Cutter, with Danny and Steve as crew, to our own 11ft Lollipop (mentioned in despatches) helmed by Georgina, helped by Issie and Gregory as crew. The event turned out to be very memorable - the heavens opened with a storm of biblical proportions. The rain was more than torrential. Visibility disappeared. On Indian Runner we had, Skipper Roger, me, Alan, Rachel, Ellie and Roberta. Ellie’s picture tells the story. 

We were pleased with ourselves on Indian Runner but I think the prize goes to Lollipop. The wind dropped, and they had to row but then lost a rollock. Right at the end, High Barbaree gave them a bit of a tow. 

The next day was meant to be a cruise, but the rain was very heavy all day and everyone had had enough of being out in it. We went ten pin bowling and some went bouldering and we all enjoyed a paella with a band in the evening. 

The next day was race day but team Indian Runner felt they didn’t need any extra sailing and the wind was a bit too strong for Lollipop to race. However Ellie and Issie went out for a sail and Danny and Steve took Roberta and Gregory for rides in Lollipop with her electric motor. 

The party ended with a Hog Roast and a very good band.  It felt very emotional. Especially saying goodbye to Rachel and Alan (who we hope may return to the boat for the last sail back into Hamble).  What an adventure. At the end of the day, Georgina moved onto the boat and we are excited to have her help us get the boat back home. 

Ipswich to Levington (Parade of Sail)        7.49 nms


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