Next stop Hartlepool

 We had intended to leave Blyth on the Sunday but the wind was very strong and we decided to wait and see how things were on the Monday. Our departure time was delayed as the morning went on. The wind was supposed to ease but that was happening rather slowly. We had lunch in the RNYC clubhouse and then could put it off no longer. By the time we left the wind wasn’t too bad but it was too early for the sea state to have improved. There was a lot of swell and the boat was rolling all over the place.  We also had a rather violent hail storm and Roger was the unlucky man on the helm. 

As we approached Hartlepool there was yet more excitement. We were called on our radio and a boat asked us for a tow into the harbour as their engine had failed. The boat was being ably helmed by a young woman who took it all in her stride, but I’m not sure her mother was quite as sanguine! It was quite a tricky manoeuvre but handled well by Alan on the helm and team Indian Runner. We later heard that the boat was a 19’ Class Mini Globe and will be raced round the world in 2024. To top it all we had a thank you Whats App from the Coastguard.

The next day we calculated that we could spend the morning in Hartlepool before heading for the lock at around 1.30.  We set off to see HMS Trincomalee and then do our shopping on the way back.  The ship is part of a large naval museum and once there I phoned the marina to check the latest time we could get through the lock.  12.30 was the answer.  Panic stations. We left Roger on Trincomalee with strict instructions to be back by 12. The rest of us tore round the shop, Roger joined us as we left and albeit somewhat flustered, we made it! 

Blyth to Hartlepool        31.6 nms


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