Nearly at the last fence (of this bit anyway!)

 We’ve had a very good stay in the Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club.  The staff are very helpful, the surroundings rather beautiful and the food is excellent. There are many worse places to be stormbound.  We haven’t been idle, on Saturday Roger, Alan and I did the Lowestoft park run (park walk run for Alan and me) which was very well attended and a lovely route. In the afternoon we went to see the film Oppenheimer.  We were glad we did this although we found it quite depressing. The horror of the bomb and the ease with which governments and large institutions discredit those they wish to destroy is deeply troubling. 

Alan and Rachel have had the fantastic news that their house and village is safe from the wild fires. This is the most tremendous relief. Rachel didn’t feel very well on Sunday morning but Alan and I went to St Peter’s and St John’s for the morning Eucharist to offer thanks. The service was excellent - a non-fussy catholic liturgy and a deep sense of prayerfulness. On Sunday afternoon we took what we thought would be an attractive riverside walk to Oulton Broad.  It didn’t quite turn out like that - Oulton Broad was indeed attractive but the walk there from Lowestoft was largely along a derelict industrial landscape. 

Oulton Broad:

Today (Monday) has been quite busy. We have been making preparations to leave Lowestoft for Shotley tomorrow.  It has all been a bit of a conundrum - the favourable tide coincides with strong winds, while when the wind drops, the tide would be strongly against us. Our plan at the moment is to leave early tomorrow morning. We have water, fuel, pasties for lunch and a third reef is in the mainsail - fingers crossed!

Tomorrow evening we are planning on staying at the Shotley marina and then having a ten nautical mile sail to Ipswich on Wednesday morning. Ipswich is the destination for the Jubilee 60th anniversary celebration and the official end of the Round Britain Cruise.  Rachel and Alan will leave us on Sunday and we will miss them a lot.  But we are looking forward to being joined by our granddaughter Georgina who will help us sail Indian Runner back to Hamble.  We are also so thrilled that the Grants and Greens and Bev and John are all coming to join us to celebrate.  We are very lucky to have such a great family and friends. 


  1. Wow-can't believe you adventure is nearing its end.


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