We are in Scotland!

 Last night we arrived at Campbeltown in Scotland after a beautiful day’s sail (ok - with some motor assistance).  The sun shone, the sea was smooth and we got the tides right.  50 miles in one day was a good effort for us! Our diet was not the healthiest - Greggs chicken bakes and sausage rolls featured rather heavily. 

For Alan today had an early start.  Alan always sleeps lightly on a boat - sub-consciously alert to changes in sounds and movement.  At 5.20 a.m. he heard a motor running for some time, went on deck and saw that some poor man had gone aground within yards of our boat.  His boat was lying at a very worrying angle as the tide went further down and the local lifeboat crew came out to help him get off the boat. Happily the story had a good end, as the boat re floated when the tide rose and there didn’t appear to be any serious damage to the boat.  Baya, the single handed sailor, came onto Indian Runner for a much needed drink and sandwich and then back to his boat for a sleep.  There is never a dull moment it seems. 

Our leaking water tank still appears to have a very small leak.  Today after much research we managed to source a replacement which will be delivered to Kerrera Marina.  Hooray! 

We’re cooking on the boat tonight - an adapted Jamie Oliver recipe using one can of M and S chicken curry and adding all sorts of extras to it - fingers crossed!

Photos of the grounded boat, and Campbeltown Marina (taken on my run). 

Bangor to Campbeltown        50.9 nms


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