LIfe is good

 We had a very peaceful mooring at Lock Feochan.  The entrance is demanding in navigational terms and everyone enjoyed the challenge.  We had to be self sufficient as there was nowhere to buy any provisions but we were well fed! 

This morning we all went for a walk run - Alan is getting stronger day by day. When the tide was right we left in the early afternoon and had a short motor to Oban, where we are moored on the North Pier Pontoons.  The weather is glorious. Roger and I were remembering the last time we were here with our friends Rick and Mary Ellen - it poured down and was a rather different experience.  

Tonight we had an amazing meal at the Waterfront Restaurant - a main course of lobster for Roger and me.  We have been avoiding lobster pots for weeks so this made it even more enjoyable.  

Tomorrow we are looking forward to seeing our friends Bev and John and joy - Rachel returns to the boat. 

Photos from our run this morning and sunset at Oban. 

Craobh Haven to Lock Feochan        24.2 nms

Loch Feochan to Oban                6.85 nms


  1. Yes I remember Oban well. Cute town and famous distillery.


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