A heatwave in Scotland?

 We truly have been blessed with the most amazing weather. Ok - not great for sailing (no wind or in the wrong direction) but gorgeous in every other respect. We successfully arrived in the Crinan basin and some of my helming was ok - other bits not so good. It is the most beautiful spot. The only thing that marred it for Alan and me was the midge explosion.  We got the Smidge on just a bit too late - ‘don’t scratch, you’ll only make it worse’ was the constant refrain. 

Midges aside, we are loving the scenery and it was a highlight to hear a pipe band with such gifted young people playing. Yesterday evening we were invited onto Martin’s boat for a very civilised aperitif of gin and tonic and nibbles. Martin (and his gorgeous dog Jack) are on a small Shrimper but we all fitted in!  

Yesterday we left Crinan and motored the short distance to Craobh Haven.  It is a lovely spot. Today we walked across the peninsula to the village of Ardfern and back again and tonight we are shortly heading up to the pub for moules frites. It’s a hard life.  One rather strange thing here is the hordes of jelly fish in the marina.  They look rather beautiful but apparently can be sucked into your water intake. This doesn’t sound good. 

Tomorrow morning we leave for Lock Feochan where we will spend the night. There are no provisions there at all so we will enjoy cheese omelette for supper on the boat.The main concern here with the crew seems to be the supplies of beer and wine - we will have enough we think.

Photos of the Crinan basin, gin on the Charlotte Elizabeth and the view from our walk. 

Lock 10 to Crinan Basin        2.85 nms

Crinan Basin to Craobh Haven     9.02 nms


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