Preparations continue

 We’re heading off to the boat this week to have a sprayhood fitted and canvas side panels for the cockpit, rather amusingly called ‘dodgers’.  We’ll be spending time with our fellow crew, Rachel and Alan and are all having a lesson on Wednesday on how to get best use out of the Raymarine satnav system. Our friends Bev and John will be joining us on Wednesday afternoon and we are hoping to have a trip on the Hamble river but the weather gods are not looking friendly and so even a river trip may not happen.  We had also planned a ‘shake down’ two day sail but this looks very unlikely for this week now.  

When we first bought our boat we were a little puzzled by the name ‘Indian Runner’ but have been delighted to discover that it is the name of a rather beautiful type of duck. We were overwhelmed when last week Bev and John presented us with our very own wood Indian Runner, which we have called Grace.  


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